We are a welcoming, diverse, non-creedal religious community seeking spiritual growth and a just and peaceful world. Our mission is to create community, transform ourselves and transform the world.
This may be the home for you if …
You are open-hearted and curious.
You want to be of service.
You are seeking spiritual and intellectual growth for you and your family.
You value the support of a caring and inclusive community.
UUCMC is located at 1475 West Front Street in Lincroft, NJ. We gather every Sunday morning at 10:30am to create sacred space and time for reflection and celebration. With diverse, vibrant music and inspirational messages taken from many traditions, the community learns to grow in love and spirit. Services last approximately one hour and are livestreamed on our YouTube channel www.youtube.com/c/UnitarianUniversalistCongregationofMonmouthCounty. You can find previous services there also.
Children and youth are invited to our family ministry program, regardless of religious background or present beliefs. We strive to create an atmosphere that respects and values individual differences.
For further information, please visit uucmc.org or email the UU Congregation’s office at uucmc@uucmc.org. We welcome you to this place of love & hope!