By Drs. Elizabeth and Jean
Have you ever written down a goal or signed up and paid for a costly program or class and then found yourself taking no action(s) toward the goal or engaging in the program? Not only is this expensive, but it is frustrating to set a goal and then take limited action to fulfill it.
Everyone has probably done this at least once in their lifetime. Maybe this is a repeating pattern for you. If you have observed yourself doing this once too many times, you may be suffering from subconscious, irrational beliefs and fears. These emotions and limiting beliefs may be the root cause that drives this costly and self-defeating behavior.
In psychology, some call this phenomenon Psychological Reversals (PTs), defined as “a block or objection to creating a desired change in your life”. These beliefs and fears occur without conscious awareness. They are irrational without a basis in everyday reality. Despite these thoughts being irrational, at one time they probably protected the “little” you from fear (for examples of the structure of limiting believes and fears – see inset).
An Easy and Straightforward Four-step Process to Identify and Treat Goal-oriented Inertia and Psychological Reversals
• First identify the correct PT holding you back. If you do not have access to muscle testing, self-muscle testing or some other way to diagnose the PT, start with reading the examples (see inset). Your mind-body-spirit will unconsciously resonate with your major block. Or perhaps, you would like to make an intuitive guess as to “what is holding you back from your goal”. There is no downside to helping yourself with several.
• When you have your chosen PT holding you from attaining your desired goal, here is a template that will significantly help in releasing this block. In this way, you bring the root cause to the surface. This allows the conscious mind to recognize what has been traveling for so long in your emotions and limiting beliefs. By saying the sentence below, you no longer allow the emotions and beliefs to block you. Just saying this sentence brings the block to your conscious awareness. Doing this natural approach may very well change an unhealthy behavior to a healthy one.
o “Even though______________ (insert the PT), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Here is what a complete treatment sentence looks like: Even though part of me is afraid to_____ (fill in your goal), I deeply and completely……
• As you are bringing your fear to your conscious mind, you can also stimulate one or both meridian points in your hands. These are called the “karate chop points” (Meridians are part of acupuncture treatment). These two hold emotional information that will help you get over the PT and irrational fear.) These points are located on the side of both hands, where if you look, you will see just under your pinkie finger, a first line and then a second line.
• You will rub or stimulate the first line, not the second. You can rub the line on one hand with the other or you can tap both hands together on these lines while saying your release statement. Do this about 15 times, 3 times a day for 30 days and observe if your behavior changes in the desired manner!
In conclusion, setting goals is just the beginning of accomplishing them. One of the best examples of goal setting followed by resistance or inertia is setting a New Year’s resolution to work out at the gym. This is something that most of us have done in the past. I like to give the example of driving past the gym during the first week in January. The parking lot is full; no places to be had. In a week or two, that crammed full parking lot becomes a desert. Ne’er a car to be found filling the parking spaces.
Behaviors are hard to change by will power alone. An arsenal of techniques (see above) using the conscious mind and those releasing emotions in the subconscious are usually required to move forward. Releasing the emotions that bind us to failure is paramount to success. Another tool available to everyone is accountability. It is easier to shrug off resolutions when they are secret. The second benefit to having someone monitor your intentions, is the reinforcement they can provide. This is true whether you wish to stop the yo-yo effect of dieting or the continued “social drinking” that you have sworn to end. We all have support and inhibitions tied to any of our goals. Health behaviors are easier to gain naturally when we are in harmony and balance.
Examples of Negative Self-talk Associated with Action Blocks and Overwhelming Inertia ...
1. It may not be safe to get over__________________.
2. I will lose my identity if I get over___________________.
3. I am not willing to do whatever it takes to get over__________________.
4. I do not deserve to get over ________________.
5. I am not willing to get over_______________________.
6. I do not really want to get over_____________________.
7. It is impossible for me to get over____________________.
8. It will not be safe for others for me to get over__________________.
9. There is some unique block in me that prevents me from getting over________________.
10. I will not allow myself to get over___________________.
Also review the article appearing in the March issue of Natural Awakenings entitled, “The Enemy Within: How to Stop Standing in Your Own Way” by Dr. Jean
For more information or to schedule an appointment contact Elizabeth W. Borg, PhD 734.453.2207 or Dr. Jean or call 484-574-1144.