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Modern Medicine and Ancient Wisdom...Bridging the Gap

Millions of people are taking prescription medication for various conditions- migraines, allergies, blood pressure, diabetes- you name the disease there is a prescription for

it. Medications are certainly helping many people, but what if that prescription included a whole-body approach to wellness? Whole-body here is defined as the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves.

Prescription medication serves a great purpose, but what if we add to that prescription healing at a deep core level that reaches the issue at the root of the illness?

Many people choose to become a Professional Registered Pharmacist because they have a desire to help people. Even at a young age people can remember feeling an inner calling to connect and help others.

Many who have worked as a Registered Pharmacist for several years have felt that there had to be something more to add to the “prescription” for health to compliment the medicine. There are numerous Modern techniques and healings that scratch the surface, but there are Ancient Healings and tools from a Sacred Lineage over 8000 years old, that truly bring about core healing and deeper spiritual progression. This can be the missing piece people are looking for, and gives the opportunity to experience these healings and ancient tools as a compliment to medicine, offering a complete “Whole-body Prescription”.

Disease and illness doesn't just happen overnight. In many cases it can take years, sometimes even decades for a physical disease to manifest and reveal itself in the physical body. Of course we need to take care of the whole-body with proper diet, exercise, supplements, yoga, meditation and anything that supports the physical body and its healing. But we are more than just this physical body. We are energy and we have many energy structures that we can bring Light and healing to, to assist in our physical healing.

Let's take a look at how healing core issues can complement medicine. Allergy season can be extremely difficult for some people. As soon as allergy season hits and pollen starts, people are heading to the pharmacy for medications. There are many medications that help with the symptoms to get people through the season, but what about not just getting through the season?

What if we take a Whole-body approach to treating the cause of the allergy – diet, environment of course all play a role. How about looking at the energetic state? Imbalances in our energy systems can certainly play a role in physical issues. Allergies can make us feel irritable, lacking energy, even angry. Many emotions can come up when we are not feel 100 percent.

This is where looking at and healing the core issues that affect every aspect of our system- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual- can really help to balance treatment. Of course medication can help the symptoms so we feel better, but getting to the root cause and bringing Light to where we need to heal at a deep level, can really shift our energy both physically and energetically.

There are countless benefits to Ancient Healings and tools and how they complement modern medicine to elevate our consciousness and physical state of being.

The Ancient Lineage brings with it core healing and the path of Initiation which gives us more choice in our lives and opens the doors to new beginnings. This begins our journey of self-discovery, uncovering our true potential, unlocking keys to Magical living and the healing power of the body.

We are fortunate today in the Modern World of Science and Technology to have Ancient Lineage Healings and tools dating back over 8000 years. This allows for a “Whole-body Prescription” approach to our healing bridging the gap between Modern Day Medicine and Ancient Healings and Wisdom.

Karen Lewandowski is a Registered Pharmacist, Guide and Healer in the Modern Mystery School. She has studied and trained in the beautiful Ancient Lineage for several years.

She is the owner of Serenity Healing and Wellness in Whitehouse Station, NJ where she offers the Ancient Healings and teachings that awaken and expand consciousness, unleash dormant potential and accelerate personal healing. You can contact her via email at or via the web at

This article appears in July's issue of Natural Awakenings Jersey Shore


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